Amy Chang

Health Coach

​I had been in pain for over 10 years. Back spasms and low back pain changed the way I lived my life drastically. I was terrified to have another spasm, and never knew when my back was going to “act-up” – my life was pretty much dictated by back pain or fear of pain. I did a variety of treatments: acupuncture, massage, traditional chiropractic, physical therapy… all managed my pain, but I never felt like I was HEALING my back. It was a constant loop. After I finally herniated a bulging disc a friend suggested I go see Dr. Joey Miles at Upper Cervical Care. I was skeptical but desperate… Joey helped my back heal, got me out of pain and into feeling UNSTOPPABLE; he also became a friend. One day during an appointment with Joey, he shared the vision he had for his spinal care practice. He noticed that as his patients were relieved of pain and other symptoms, they began to ask him about other aspects of their health like bettering their nutrition, starting an exercise program, reducing their stress, and limiting their exposure to toxins. He was committed to addressing his clients’ concerns for overall health and had limited time with each person. Joey shared with me his commitment to his clients and his frustration in not having enough time to “coach” his patients. Inspired by his dedication, I responded, “I can help you with that”. And “Healthy Living” was thrust out of “a great idea” and into “it’s really happening!” Joey and I set up a time to meet for coffee and look at how to make it happen. In less than a year, Dr. Miles brought on a new upper cervical chiropractor, Dr. Autumn Olvera, changed the name of his practice from Upper Cervical Care to Healthy Living Spinal Care and added in a new service – Healthy Living Coaching. Joey knew the perfect person to launch this new business – ME! Just like Joey, I was ready to begin a new chapter – mine was re-entering the work force after being an at-home mom for 15 years. I had all kinds of options – I could go back into being a nurse practitioner, up my hours as a CrossFit Coach or even become a life coach! I was swimming in the murky waters of “figuring out” what to do when I got an email that changed my life! It was from Duke Integrative Medicine offering a program to became an Integrative Health and Wellness Coach. Eureka! Perfect!! Coaching and health promotion all wrapped up in one! I was ecstatic and lit up! I shared this vision with Joey at our next meeting and a partnership was born! Working together, our team at Healthy Living takes care of ourselves, takes care of each other, and takes care of our community – inspiring and supporting Healthy Living journeys for every one. Healthy Living Coaching helps people design their ultimate health!!