Alexandra Lore


Alexandra Lore is a New York State Licensed Acupuncturist and a Board Certified Diplomate by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).

She studied for five years and performed 2 years of clinical work to qualify for the National Board Examination given by the NCCAOM. She subsequently graduated from the College of Health Professions in Syosset, NY with a Masters in Acupuncture and a Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences in 2003.

Alexandra has been the owner and operator of Beach Acupuncture for the last ten years. She belongs to the New York State Acupuncture Association, Acupuncturists Without Borders and Healer2Healer.

She is also certified to practice NAET – Allergy Elimination Technique. She is trained to detect and desensitize allergies such as gluten, lactose and animal dander. She also operates an IMAET computer which has a database of 1600 substances that can be detected and treated to balance and strengthen the body and immune system.

Alexandra has also been a Reiki Practitioner for the last twenty years and also incorporates essential oils into her treatments.