Alan H. McAllister, CCHt., PhD

Spiritual Guide

I am a weaver of right and left, spirit and body, masculine and feminine. I am a creater of sacred space for myself and others, a gatekeeper into the heart of the universe, who can hold space for you to discover your own deep self and integrate that into daily life. I will gently challenge you to open, expand, grow and heal, while providing a powerfully safe space to follow whatever comes up for you. I love helping you experience who you are as a spiritual being, dropping into essence and finding the eye of the hurricane where things are still, calm and powerfully, vibrantly, alive. Standing there, it is easier to have compassion for the emotional and mental levels of your self that are still holding on to fear. With compassion these parts naturally melt and transmute. In that place you are not alone, but are supported by many levels of your own Being and by Spirit. I work as a spiritual guide, energy worker, teacher, writer and ceremonialist. I would love to walk the next leg of your journey with you and to help you discover and own the new ways of Being that come with awareness of Self and Spirit. Together we can explore the places outside of your story, where you are a bright brilliant being, who can write or rewrite your story anyway you choose. I believe that all lives can be lived infused with the spiritual qualities Joy, Amusement, Grace, Ease and Love.