My intention is to help you support your own well-being, health, and happiness with the tools you acquire through our wellness and counseling services. As a licensed acupuncturist, clinical psychologist and counselor, I have provided integrative,…
Hi, I’m Nicole Thiel, a licensed classical acupuncturist, Chinese medical practitioner, psychotherapist, and meditation teacher who integrates these disciplines to restore body, mind and spirit. I specialize in working women and family health and…
I love love and relationships. My journey in life has been filled with so much love, being happily married to my husband for over 30 years and is bursting with friends, family, nature and animals. I am someone who is passionate about people; in fact…
Hello darlings, I’m so glad you found us! My name is Eleanor Medina and I created The Makaranda Method because I believe the world needs a new kind of therapy. Although our sessions are online, the practices and teachings I offer ALWAYS connect you…
I am more than the sum of my parts, and so are you. Experience (and now a master’s in psychology) has taught me that a host of mental health challenges arise in the conflicting space between our pesonal and cultural identities. (I was raised…