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To deliver most complete Chiropractic care using alternative methods of treatment such as gentle chiropractic, acupuncture without needles for muscular-skeletal conditions, allergy elimination (NAET), individual whole food nutrition, Functional…

Dr. Jennifer Redmond’s interest in the world of Wellness began with a fascination with nutrition and natural remedies as a child and she couldn’t have been happier when she discovered Chiropractic, a profession that combined her…

Dr. Chad Blaker was born and lived in Baltimore, Maryland until he began his Chiropractic education. He returned to practice with his family and has been licensed since 1997. A graduate of National College of Chiropractic, he has furthered his…

A Feeling from a Young Age When I was a child, I experienced a feeling that I knew I would have a job that deeply and profoundly help others. I have an explicit memory of this strong feeling, but it didn’t return until later in life. I earned a…

I am Chiropractor, Naturopath and former Medical doctor from Russia. I was born in Moscow, graduated from the First Moscow Medical Institute and worked as an OBGN. for 18 years. In 1993, I immigrated to the USA. After graduation from New York…