To deliver most complete Chiropractic care using alternative methods of treatment such as gentle chiropractic, acupuncture without needles for muscular-skeletal conditions, allergy elimination (NAET), individual whole food nutrition, Functional…
Dr. Kathleen Jones Naturopathic & Chiropractic Physician Dr. Kathleen Jones is a graduate of Life University of Chiropractic with a Doctorate Degree in Chiropractic and a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition. She later went on to obtain her…
Dr. Carrero´s passion for natural medicine and health was developed since early childhood while devoting most afternoons to his father’s office by assisting patients and doing office work. In 1995 Dr. Carrero had an accident that turned his life…
Dr. Bohlmann is a graduate of the four-year naturopathic medical program at the renown National University Health Sciences. His medical training includes pharmacology, functional medicine, nutritional biochemistry, herbal medicine, psychology,…
I have always been fascinated by the inner workings of nature. This curiosity has carried me to pursue a deeper understanding of the human body. My journey started with a Bachelor’s degree in General Biology with a focus in Human Physiology. After…