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LMT, CNE, CHHP, AADP, Master of Nutrition Response Testing Marguerite graduated from The New York College of Health Professionals in 1996 as a Licensed Massage Therapist. While studying massage therapy she was exposed to a whole new world…

Natural Family Physicians Founder, Acupuncture Physician, Functional Medicine Consultant Robert earned his degrees at the College of Traditional Acupuncture in 1986 and 1990. He has immersed himself in functional medicine since 1992, helping…

Joanne Epstein, B.A., M.Ac., A.P. (FL), holds a B.A. in Radio and Television from the University of Arizona and a Masters in Public Affairs from Occidental College. She received her Licentiate in Acupuncture from Worsley Institute of Classical…

Acupuncturist, Medical Qigong Practitioner, Zero Balancer, Therapeutic Massage Therapist and Teacher, Dava Michelson practices in Miami Beach, Florida. She is on the faculty of Academy for Five Element Acupuncture and was a clinical supervisor in…