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I am a Life and Health Coach. I help people get results in all areas of their life. When we feel ‘stuck’ in our lives it is because we cannot see the choices and options in front of us. And if you can see them you are held back by fear.…

Sharon Wacks, RN, BSN, SCP, CHTP and CEO of the Accelerated Healing Academy, is a solution-­focused, heart-­centered Healing Activator who helps you uncover and eliminate the root source of painful challenges to support healing, promote joyful…

Over twenty years ago I discovered the elegance and effectiveness of CranioSacral Therapy and other gentle bodywork modalities. My first clients were pre and post mastectomy clients. Many hours were shared as we worked to soften and release areas…

Johanna Bassols is a specialist in the semantics of consciousness. She brings her knowledge of 25 years of research about the subconscious mind, consciousness, and holistic healing methods from around the world in practical and inspiring books,…

If you ask any trainer why they do what they do, 99% of them will probably say it’s because they are passionate about health and fitness, but where is the “why”? So I’m attempting to let the world know my “why”. I imagine it started with a…