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I am truly blessed.  As a licensed physician, doctor and chiropractor, I’ve been humbly educated and bestowed the privilege to ease suffering and improve the quality of life, for over 10,000 patients so far.  No prescription pad needed. …

I believe our bodies haven’t all read the same book and so I use a varied approach to assisting each practice member in finding the root cause -be it spinal misalignment or another cause such as repetitive stress, compensation for the stresses of…

Founder of Body Mechanix Acupuncture I am a Doctor of Oriental Medicine (DOM) and Acupuncture Physician (AP) licensed by the state of Florida and board-certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM)…

At the age of 15, I began studying the healing arts. In 1972 I began studying oriental diagnosis, the principles of acupuncture, nutritional and herbal medicine. I heard about homeopathy at that time and determined to study it. In college I studied…

My practice is from my home, in Silver Spring. I also go to the places of clients who cannot easily travel. I generally include massage into the acupuncture session, if wanted, or needed.I have been teaching yoga for at least 46 years. The first 30…