Dr. Melissa Hines

Bodywork Practitioner

Melissa Hines, PT, DPT Dr. Melissa Hines, PT, DPT is a licensed physical therapist (PT) in MA. Since graduating from Simmons College magna cum laude with her doctorate in physical therapy, she has practiced in a wide variety of holistic settings specializing in GYROTONIC® rehabilitation, pelvic floor rehabilitation, myofascial release, visceral manipulation, and craniosacral therapy. Melissa specializes in Pelvic Floor PT (for women and men) through the prestigious Herman and Wallace Pelvic Rehabilitation Institute. Melissa’s training in myofascial release, visceral manipulation, craniosacral therapy and GYROTONIC® has proven pivotal in the treatment of orthopedic conditions. She has taken continuing education courses through advanced Herman and Wallace Pelvic Rehabilitation Institute, Barral Institute of Visceral Manipulation, advanced myofascial release through John Barnes, Upledger Craniosacral therapy, and a certified GYROTONIC® instructor. Melissa has a strong interest in teaching and currently mentors physical therapists and students in the field to help empower therapists to think holistically. ​ Melissa has a passion for treating the whole body and sees a widespread range of conditions from pelvic health to autoimmune to orthopedic. Melissa is currently training through the Institute of Functional Medicine in order to incorporate both manual therapies as well as supplementation through diet/food/supplements to aid in recovery and get to the root cause of the problem. Melissa utilizes an intuitive touch and enlightened approach in each of her treatments. ​ Melissa lives in Boston’s South End with her husband and cat! She enjoys exploring the city, trying out new restaurants, sailing, and the ocean.