Elizabeth Markie

HeartMath Resilience Trainer

I help people navigate the complexities of business and personal relationships that come with being a human through a combination of neuroscience findings, natural intuition, and my personal executive experience. I’ve always been curious about our thinking, emotions, and behavior. I founded WeImagine, Inc.® in 2000 to further that curiosity in a way that aligned with my personal, family, and professional goals and in doing so, have personally coached and educated thousands in achieving their best self. Fascinated with recent neuroscience breakthroughs and cognitive implications, I obtained certifications in NeuroLeadership , as brain-based and brain health coach and HearthMath® Resilience Trainer. This, coupled with an understanding of self and a keen perception of others has allowed me to hone my experience and become instrumental to my clients as they move through life’s complexities. My passion for sharing my knowledge with others inspired me to create Tri Brain Educational Series and offer these customized programs in addition my one-on-one and team coaching practice. Notably, my curiosity extends beyond the analytical and comprehensible into the unknown. My belief is that science and spirituality easily coexist. I believe in a power greater than oneself. I also believe that this “power” — often referred to as “spirituality” — is felt on a soul-level and in our hearts. It transcends the analytical brain into something more imaginative and creative, exceeding our ability to comprehend. It is a personal exploration for which the discovery is acceptance and understanding of self and others on a most profound level. New technologies in the field of science are providing us an opportunity to explore those questions and mysteries of life on a deeper level than what has been available to us in the past. I view science as a tool to gain a deeper understanding of all life’s wonders and mysteries—a compass to help us navigate the existence of the human experience and the universe. Fascinated with recent neuroscience breakthroughs and cognitive implications, I obtained certifications in NeuroLeadership , as brain-based and brain health coach and HearthMath® Resilience Trainer. This, coupled with an understanding of self and a keen perception of others has allowed me to hone my experience and become instrumental to my clients as they move through life’s complexities. My passion for sharing my knowledge with others inspired me to create Tri Brain Educational Series and offer these customized programs in addition my one-on-one and team coaching practice.