Karly Siedlecki

Autoimmune Recovery Coach

Hi! I have experienced what you might be going through right now. A slow and steady decline in health, feeling older too soon, constantly taking sick days, and/or feeling unfulfilled in an important area of life, in my case a 9-5 corporate job, with dreams of doing or being something more, but not feeling strong enough to do so. I know what it is like to depend on conventional medicine to recover from chronic illness or just simply feel better, and realize, wow this really isn’t working at all and actually making matters worse! The sad truth is, conventional healthcare systems generally do not support true wellness or recovery and prevention of chronic illness for many of us. It’s up to each of us to open ourselves to a better path for our unique needs. Guided by faith and answers that felt like a series of perfectly timed miracles, I successfully navigated the complex maze of recovery. My motivation was to have a limitless life again where travel and adventure is possible despite being diagnosed with a lifelong illness, Autoimmune Graves Disease. I am living my dreams again and consider the biggest challenge of my life as a blessing because it helps me understand my clients on a deeper level and gives hope and motivation to others with complex cases. I am a certified holistic wellness coach living in Costa Rica part-time and collaborating with amazing holistic, integrative physicians and therapists there and in the United States. karly-02239 small web