Dawn Meyer

Energy Healer

Why the change? Well, when I was a child, I always wanted to be two things: the first woman on the moon and someone who could heal people with her hands. I started work on the Space Shuttle program shortly after college (not quite the moon, but at least the Space Program). And as the years went on, I realized that there was something else that I needed to be doing with my life and I began studying energy healing. Then after the shuttle program ended, I began my second childhood career choice … healing people with my hands! And the transformation in me and my life have been amazing! Letting go of the attachment to things in my past and having more allowance for people and events has been amazing. And I love to help others find that too. To help people find the choices and possibilities that they thought were gone for them or perhaps they never even realized those existed for them at all. I like to use my unique combination of skills to get people out of their pain, trauma, drama, and stories and into creating a life of expanded possibilities! I like to assist them to bring more ease and joy to their lives by helping them discover that they have more choices and possibilities for changing what isn’t working in their lives than they ever thought they had.