Pia Alvarez

Pia Alvarez, BCND (Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor) was born in Colombia and has lived in the United States and Europe most of her life. Pia Alvarez completed the Board Certification of Naturopathic Doctor (BCND) in September 2013 through the American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board www.anmcb.org. She holds an MBA in Computer Science from Fordham University, a BA in Psychology from Hunter College, NY. After her postgraduate studies, Pia Alvarez developed a passion for Nutrition, Health and Wellness and pursued her training through Trinity College of Natural Health, where she completed Certification programs in: · Doctor of Naturopathy (BCND) · Certified Nutritional Counselor (CNC) · Master Herbalist (HD) · Certified Natural Health Professional (CNHP)