Donita Wheeler

Mama Bear Cancer Support Coach

Donita is a survivor. She’s had cancer 5 times. Yes, 5. She attempted suicide. She spent months caring for her terminally ill mother-in-law. She moved her family a lot. 22 times, in fact. And she was knocked sideways by more than one economic crash. So when she woke up one day and decided it was time to walk away from the unique survivor program she created to help others like herself, it was a shock. Even to herself. Afterall, she was Donita Wheeler aka Donita Mama Bear – Survivor Coach and Mentor. It was her identity. But that day, not so long ago, Donita woke up and decided her Mama Bear Spirit had ENOUGH. Donita’s self-discovery, and ultimately her Mama Bear journey, began after surviving her first cancer. It was a process of intensely studying for 4 years the ins-and-outs and ups-and-downs of herself. Hiring multiple coaches and therapists, practicing yoga, connecting with her spirituality, Donita successfully realigned her life. The following 5 years were a whirlwind of coaching, speaking and writing. In that time Donita brought peace and growth to her clients, while she herself received the One Woman International Speaking Award and was listed as a Best Seller for her book, ‘Bare Myself.’ The better part of this past year, Donita gathered and collected all that she learned in the previous nine, to create her next chapter. One that would serve her clients as well as herself. She understood she was called to use her creative talents to share her story and help others. She channeled the inner artist who created copper jewelry in 4th grade to share her artistry through multi-media paintings and thousand-dollar mosaics today. Every piece is a result of talent, heart and pure joy – joy Donita hopes to share in her work and her creative spiri-tude. It is Donita’s mission to create personal art pieces of one’s own heart journey. A survivor’s one-of a-kind Heart Art. Donita personalizes each creation using her own unique creative process. Taking 6 months or more to complete, each Heart Art is a piece of a lifetime, beautifully documenting the survivor within.