Danielle LaFata, MA, RD, CSSD, CLT

Integrative and Functional Dietitian

I have been active all my life, starting at the age of three. First was dancing; ballet, jazz, tap. Then cross country and softball in elementary school. In junior high, I danced, ran, and added cheerleading to the mix. In high school, I cheered, danced competitively, continued running, and took up gymnastics. After graduating, I became the assistant gymnastics coach for the local high school team. During this time, I took the team to Central Michigan University for a camp. Getting to know the University and discovering the athletic staff, nutritionists, and the campus was an enjoyable experience. After this trip, it was an easy decision to continue the love for competition, transferring from the University of Michigan to pursue cheering for the Chippewas. Fortunately, nutrition would catch up with me. Participating in the cheering squad was not easy. Every semester we had to do a series of fitness drills, which would allow us to be on the sidelines and compete on the competitive team. The tests were a struggle, to say the least, there was something wrong. After years of being so active, it was perplexing how difficult things had become. The next summer was spent with a personal trainer, strength training. We would chat about fitness competitions and how to handle the grind, needless to say, nutrition was a central focal point in these conversations. We agreed that my physical fitness wasn’t the problem, so it had to be something else. After graduation, the goal was to ensure my health and fitness level remained high because while reading an Oxygen magazine, something interesting was advertised: a regional fitness competition. At the time, these competitions were featured on ESPN with competitors showing their physique, endurance, and dancing skills. It was on. Remembering my time at the Central Michigan Camp and working with the personal trainer, it was obvious how nutrition was the one thing lacking; it was time to address the elephant in the room. With the help of a Registered Dietician at the recommendation of my personal trainer competition became fun again! By helping to maintain my energy and health through nutrition, training and becoming leaner was possible. Through a nutrition program that allowed nutritious and filling foods, the accolades started to pour in. At this juncture, it was obvious how important nutrition would be for the rest of my life. Knowing this and after winning several televised ESPN fitness competitions, going back to school was the best option. Receiving a Masters in Nutrition four years later it was apparent I had found my calling. With my newfound focus, I went on to accomplish world-renowned status as a dietary nutritionist focused on providing scrumptious tasting food that yields the energy needed to become healthier and of course as active as you want to be.