Carla Gibson, D.C.


Like many of you, I struggled with chronic pain and fatigue from a young age. I was hit by a car and once my broken leg healed and I could walk again, that was the end of the treatment. After that accident, I suffered weight gain, mood swings and chronic fatigue and headaches for decades. It all seemed “normal” and I was headed down a path of “putting up with” my chronic pain and chronic fatigue and limiting my activities to manage it all. All the traditional medical route had to offer were prescriptions and advice to “exercise and lose weight.” It’s hard to take that advice when you’re tired and in pain all the time and pharmaceuticals don’t agree with you. Luckily, I discovered chiropractic. It was a miracle. Daily pain and headaches went away and I was able to enjoy life again. But after a couple of years focused on structure alone, I wondered, “why do I still have recurring symptoms?” I wanted to know what to eat and how I could take care of myself so my spine wouldn’t go out of alignment all the time. In addition, I wanted relief from the more chronic issues, like fatigue, weight gain and mood swings. I went to many different practitioners over a ten year period. They all had great resources, but no one had a comprehensive approach. When I decided to become a chiropractor, I was determined to put the best practices I had discovered in one place.