Corinna Stoeffl

Throughout Corinna’s life, the question of “Who am I?” has been a consistent theme. However, the answers she found during her upbringing didn’t satisfy her. Moving from Germany to the USA was supposed to be a temporary arrangement, but it led to further exploration. Each new experience was initially fulfilling, but eventually, she would become restless and discontented again. Despite this, Corinna continued searching for something more, developing her leadership skills through social organizations. However, her search took a new turn when she discovered Access Consciousness®, which taught her to question things from a different perspective without judgment. Now, she no longer seeks a specific answer or definition to the question of her identity. Instead, she approaches it with a sense of wonder and a desire to check if she is being her true self. Furthermore, she is exploring how to be herself in different areas of her life, such as her relationship, body, and business. If any of these areas interest you, Corinna is willing to contribute her insights to help you in your journey.