Charles West

Life Mastery Consultant

Charles West, President and Founder of Divine Spark Coaching. I specialize in the areas of releasing anxiety, depression and stress, transcending trauma and PTSD, alcoholism and addiction, building fulfilling relationships, cultivating a strong sense of self-love and confidence and building Spiritual Muscles. I lived most of my life without the slightest notion that I had a Divine Spark. A deep sense of loneliness and separation kept me at a distance from ever feeling content, at peace and satisfied with my life. For decades, limiting negative paradigms kept me struggling with self-sabotage in my career and relationships. Even when it looked like I was at the top of my game as an actor on Broadway, the “scared little boy” inside wouldn’t let me enjoy my success. For over 15 years I have studied and implemented transformational spiritual principles that have changed, not only my life, but the lives of many people whom I’ve had the pleasure of working with. Now, after many years of doing the hard work of healing my childhood wounds, I am able to enjoy a depth of love with myself, other people and God that I didn’t know was possible.