Jo Vaccarino


A message from Jo…

Our bodies send us signals – sometimes long before symptoms even present. We often teach ourselves to discount or ignore the signals until we can no longer avoid seeking intervention.  Thermography is a way to visualize and monitor our unique physiological activity and aid us in the pursuit of optimal wellness.  Targeted massage therapy sessions are a way to use thermographic results to effect change.  Note: my sessions may include giving you homework  to do!  Using what I’ve learned from my experience as an OT assistant and in my qigong and Human Movement Sciences education, I am likely to recommend stretches and lifestyle changes to help you recover from and discontinue patterns of use that are causing chronic pain.

I enjoy helping my clients solve mysteries, find early clues or just monitor their health.  I also feel fortunate to have the opportunity to work with the innovative doctors and practitioners who refer patients for thermography so that they can serve their clients better.

I look forward to serving you.
Live passionately, laugh often and be well!

Jo Vaccarino, CCT