Vito LaNave

life Coach

Dr. Vito’s Bio Read About Dr Vito on Mystic Mag Dr. Vito LaNace D. Msc Who am I? Its best to start out by telling you who I am not. I am not a Psychic Fortune Teller! In the most basic terms, authentic fortune tellers do not exist, because no one can predict the future. Fortune tellers often use tactics to collect more money from their clients. They promise to remove curses and want you to buy products to remove them or get good luck. They want you to keep coming back to spend money with them. Fortune tellers are more concerned with how they can profit as opposed to how they can use an ability to assist people seeking help. I am an Intuitive Counselor who can communicate with those who have passed on the issues you are facing today, for your benefit and to give you guidance. Any suggestions you get, you are free to follow – or not. You have free will. Many people call me the South Florida Medium, but that’s too limited a term for what I am. I don’t want you to keep coming back just to take your money, although some people see me every year or two. My real purpose is to be an Intuitive Counselor. I have worked through the years with many police departments, helping solve crimes and disappearances. I also work with people who need to locate lost items large and small, from keys to shipwrecks. I have been tested to be 80% accurate, and 99% of my business comes from referrals. If you’re looking for fortune telling, get rich schemes or curse removals, I am not the person for you, because there is no such thing as a curse, just the belief in them. I charge one fee for the consultation, depending on how much time you’d like, when you come to me as an Intuitive Counselor.