As an Acupuncture Physician, I specialize in herbal medicine and the use of nutraceutical medications and supplements to improve health and prevent diseases. I have worked independently, as part of a health cooperative, and on a functional medicine team. My expertise lies in treating patients with chronic illnesses, such as allergies, autoimmunity, and rheumatological issues. By identifying the root cause of their ailments, I work towards eliminating the problem and improving their quality of life, often reducing or eliminating the need for certain medications or treatments. As a consultant, I also review challenging patient cases and identify problematic ingredients in their medication or supplement regimens. I am experienced in designing supplement lines from formulation to packaging and labeling. Additionally, I enjoy donating my time as a guest lecturer to speak on the benefits of plant medicine and the use of edible/medicinal plants found in Florida.
Peter Steele
Doctor of Oriental MedicineLoading results based on location and search...
Address & Contact
Our Address
1926 Hollywood Blvd, 202 Hollywood Florida
26.0111701, -80.1460421