Laurie Levin has been studying and supporting people to optimal health and wellbeing for about 20 years. What began as a mission to improve her own health and her family’s, became a career change after 25 years in corporate America. Laurie’s expertise lies in highly effective ways to reduce stress on the body. Stress, whether it originates from unhealthy nutrition and lifestyle habits, overweight/obesity, or unhealthy emotions and responses to life, matters not to the human body. Each speeds up aging, illness, and disease. She specializes in plant-based nutrition, healthy weight loss, and stress reduction/emotional self-regulation. She has been a featured speaker on each of these topics at corporations, schools and universities, hospitals, health practitioner trainings, and cancer support organizations. Laurie has an MBA, is a Certified Coach, and a HeartMath® Certified Coach. She is soon to publish her first book on gender equality, a basic right of every girl, boy woman, and man. She has long been a champion for equal rights and is excited to include the work of equality and peace within her professional work. Only with equal rights and opportunities, equal pay, and safety, can each of us create optimal health and happiness. Call Me A Woman: On Our Way To Equality and Peace will be available soon! “The movement is a sort of mosaic. Each of us puts in one little stone and then you get a mosaic at the end.” Alice Stokes Paul You’ll often hear Laurie say, “As each of us improves our own health and wellbeing, we all win. The best gift you can give yourself and those you love is your health and happiness. From there, everything is possible.”
Laurie Levin
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Charleston, South Carolina
32.7764749, -79.93105120000001