Jersey girl here!! I was born and raised in New Jersey in the 80’s with my 7 older siblings. People say being the baby has its benefits. In my case it gave me the ability to stand on my own two feet at the young age of 16 and learn how to take care of myself financially and emotionally before hitting the “real” world. After college I never went back to Jersey to live, but I still get the accent with some words like water and dog or “dawg” when I get passionate about something or when I’m back home visiting! Oh and love to cook and eat Italian food of course!! After graduating college in the 90’s at Salisbury Sate University on the eastern shore with a Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education and Psychology I decided I didn’t quite want to grow up and join the real work world yet so I traveled the country instead for a couple years. Had the chance to visit 12 states and live in beautiful Arizona and northern California for a couple years each. So to all the 20 somethings graduating college now I tell you to take a break and enjoy life. Don’t rush life! image311 The “business” as those who work in the restaurant biz say, has helped me and many others grow and learn so much about ourselves through experience vs. formal education. So after 30 years of dedication to my teams I have had the honor of helping many people achieve promotions, get through family crisis, get their first job out of college or when coming here from another country, save money to achieve a goal, learn English, get out of debt, and my favorite was giving them the “gift of belief” that they could do more than they ever thought they could do before meeting me. The saying everything happens for a reason can be really annoying in the moment when someone tells us that, right?!?! Now I am a true believer that everything that we experience has made us who we are or who we don’t want to be. Every “negative” that has happened in my life has ultimately had a positive intention on my life and has made me a stronger human today. Throughout the years of mentoring and coaching others in the restaurant business people would always call me “Coach Jackie” or say “You should be a life coach.” I thought about it often but never thought I could step out and do that on my own. image312 In June 2018 I launched my pursuit to do what I truly loved about my previous career but for myself. The mentoring, coaching, supporting, holding people accountable to their goals and dreams that I had been doing for over 30 years was my true passion and what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. This future that has chosen me has given me the opportunity to help so many and give them my complete attention they deserve to grow and achieve their goals whatever they may be. Being a Visionary Life Coach I am able to help people who feel stuck, overwhelmed, and lost see life through new lenses and get out of their head and into action towards their true desires they deserve with ease and grace. The struggle does not have to be real! Now don’t get me wrong I still want my own little breakfast and lunch place in a country town where everyone knows your name so I can cook my heart out and make people smile with my food and silly ways. The kind of place that everyone feels like they are home or home at Jackie’s place for a good home cooked meal. Till then me and my two four legged fur babies, Roxy and Ryker, and my partner Mike will be changing the world one action at a time! Thank you for taking to time to learn a little bit about me. I am looking forward to knowing more about you and how I can help you have the desires you deserve!
Jackie Cote
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