Dr. Tammy Lee Dippenworth


I look forward to working with you to help you find a more comfortable life through a holistic approach of caring for your body and mind.

I began to pursue my passion to help people with a Bachelor of Science nursing degree.  Most of my RN experience was in Critical Care and Open-Heart Recovery.

Even though I could assist patients in the hospital by following doctor’s orders and dispensing medications, I found myself dissatisfied. Was this the best I could offer?

It seemed that the more medication patients took, the medication they needed to offset the side effects of the others.  Hence, over time I became more interested in natural approaches.

I spent many years researching different methods to find an avenue to help one achieve health and balance. Then a young family member was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and placed on several heavy-hitting western drugs, I pledged to find a more natural approach to help reduce the risks of those pharmaceuticals.  My search led me to one of the oldest Oriental medicinal practices called Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)  The rest is history!

Better health does start from within.