Dr. Sarina is pleased to offer Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine modalities to help restore clients’ harmony and well-being, both physically and emotionally.
She holds a Doctoral degree in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, is certified by the National Certification Commission of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, and is licensed to practice in the Commonwealth of Virginia and the State of Florida. After successfully treating patients for six years in Florida, Dr. Sarina is now based on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. Besides helping reduce pain, her focus is on stress-related and emotional issues.
Her passion for Chinese Medicine is based on her desire to help people achieve balance and reach their best selves. Earlier in her career, Dr. Sarina helped people grow and develop their skills and talents through roles in human resources. She has a degree in psychology from VA Tech and is also a certified Life Coach. Offering Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, Dr. Sarina meets each person where they are and helps them achieve health and life goals.