Celia Blackwood

Shamanic Healer

Celia Blackwood is a Shamanic Practitioner, Healer, Teacher & Guide. Her initial interest and study of Shamanism began in 1992 while pursuing a degree in Anthropology at Appalachian State University. Celia has studied and practiced Core Neo-Shamanism as taught by Michael Harner, Sandra Ingerman, and Hank Wesselman. This foundational practice was deepened and expanded in 2008 through initiation into the ancient Inca lineage of Earthkeepers and Lightbody healers directly transmitted by the Q’ero shamans from the high Andes in Peru. Her extensive and ongoing training includes direct experience with Alberto Villoldo of The Four Winds Society, Jose Luis Herrera of The Rainbow Jaguar Institute, Dennis Alejo of Serena Anchanchu School, Joan Parisi Wilcox, Juan Nunez del Prado, Altomesayok Don Aldolfo Tito Condori, and the Q’ero Paqos with whom she has become spiritually aligned. Celia journeys to Peru every year for a sacred pilgrimage to learn directly from her Q’ero mentors and from the spirits of the land and the mountains. She currently offers her shamanic service through a private healing practice in Tucson Arizona and a robust schedule of teaching, managing, mothering and manifesting. This powerful healing work involves a process of removing stagnant and crystallized energy accumulated through life’s past traumas from the body’s energetic field through the chakras. It incorporates many ancient tried and true methods including fire ceremony, soul and destiny retrieval, energetic and underworld extractions, journeying and Lightbody illuminations. It is very gentle and simple while being incredibly powerful and transformational. Many of these techniques are currently employed by today’s psychotherapists because of their profound and lasting effects in eliminating recurring emotional and psychosomatic problems. Shamanic work breaks us out of our old conditioning and even past life contracts by breaking our affinity to old soul wounds. It addresses the soul’s evolution, the obstacles in its path, and it removes them. Free of the wounds we can move fully into our lives, consciously, and fulfill our destinies in this lifetime! In my work I acknowledge that dis-ease comes through disengagement from our internal source of wellness which is our Soul. Our Soul is our connection to Oneness and when what we do is in accord with Oneness we are healthy. When our way-of-life is in discord with Oneness dis-ease follows. By using shamanic techniques and guidance from helping spirits I connect seekers to this inner spring and help to clear the patterns and blockages that may have caused this disconnection.