I am French and after 15 years in Procurement I needed a fundamental change in my Life so I took the decision to retrain in an area which had interested me for many years, Naturopathy. Massage is my starting point but I have an overall interest in natural methods as a result of having spent the last 3 years battling with my daughter’s intolerances and allergies but finding no answers with traditional medicine. In the end we only started to find solutions by looking at alternative methods and techniques such as Acupuncture, Naturopathy, N.A.E.T and lately G.A.PS. After many hours of reading, researching and discussing with experts in these fields we started to find things that worked and my daughter’s health is much improved. As a result of all of this I now have a much greater understanding of how the body, and in the case of my daughter, how what you eat can have a wide effect on not just your weight but many other elements such as your capabilities to learn and concentrate effectively. Through all of this I have developed a strong passion for these alternative methods and hope that I will be able to help improve the life and wellbeing of others. Over 2014-2015, I became a qualified Practitioner of Well Being Massage from the European Institute of Naturopathy in Paris (C.E.N.A.T.H.O). and set up my own business when we lived in the UK, see my website http://www.passion4massage.co.uk/1/Massage-Maidenhead.html In my quest for massages, I came across Reflexology and qualified at the Healing Center in Atlanta in 2020 through the Zollinger “Body systems Method of Reflexology”. In March 2014, my Mum was diagnosed with ovarian cancer which was not genetic but brought on by the environment as all our food and environment are full of xeno estrogens which are endocrine disruptors so I started exploring how to alleviate the toxic burden while being in my French Naturopathy Massage course. I got diagnosed with Lyme in August 2017 and lots of inflammation markers so I tried whenever I can to minimize all toxic exposure, so my nutrition, current beauty routine, home environment aligns with my personal health and detoxification goals. I knew something was wrong as I had brain fog, losing my muscles strength though I am very sporty, became very anxious and started having panic attacks when I was driving so I went to an Integrative center, merging Eastern and Western medicine, to be tested. It is similar to how a health Coach looks at the bio individuality of each person. This disease is fascinating as it is a multi-systemic disease which can take the form of different diseases : Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Depression as it disrupts your hormones, brain, sleep, GI Health, Liver, Autonomic Nervous System so you have to take a multi-approach strategy to tackle all the side effects without forgetting the Mind Body connection with mindfulness practices. Luckily, I always keep myself abreast of the newest discoveries in the world. I had, I would like to say by chance, but not really as it is a spreading disease but overlooked at by conventional doctors, a video I never watched but bought and left in one drawer on a USB key about the Global Lyme specialist which happens to be by Dr Richard Horowitz one of the most prominent Lyme Literate physician. The irony is that I got his video from a conference I registered every year about Complementary Medicines. It made sense to me to follow a Gut Health and Hormones course on top of a Detoxification degree via I.I.N as they work in pairs and I had to deal personally with these three aspects to feel better. My goal is to coach people to have the good reflex in terms of lifestyle and I always prioritize safety which means making choices that support both the short- and long-term health of you and your family. For example, you might choose cleaners with nontoxic ingredients or furniture without chemicals, like formaldehyde or flame retardants. Studies have found over 45 harmful chemicals lurking in indoor dust alone! Given that on average we spend 90% of our time indoors, lowering toxin options will go a long way toward supporting your health. You have to be aware that there is no regulation from the F.D.A in the US regarding cosmetics and they just banned a total of 9 products when in Europe more largely they suppressed around 1400 of them. I found some of them reading the labels of the lovely Bagel or Muffin you buy like Polysorbate 60 or Propylene Glycol. Your skin is your largest organ, and what you put on it ends up inside your body. One study published in the American Journal of Public Health showed that the skin absorbed an average of 64% of total contaminants (https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/abs/10.2105/AJPH.74.5.479) in drinking water. Other studies found the face to be several times more permeable than broad body surfaces and an absorption rate of 100% for underarms as per These are just a few examples, but do you want to be a victim, wait to be seriously sick or take back control of your life? We all can play a part on our level to change the world and if you don’t buy the products which destroys the planet or your health, manufacturers won’t have any other choice than to change their ingredients or the way they source, pay people. It is already the case with lots of marketing campaigns with greenwashing (marketing makes you feel it is safe because there is a natural brown package and a leaf or because it says natural ) to make you believe that what you buy, wear or put on your skin is safe. We are all interdependent like the COVID-19 reveals as someone ate a Pangolin soup and we all ended up with a health, economic crisis. I always make sustainable choices meaning that it satisfies my current needs but without sacrificing the needs of our future kids’ generations. In other words, it means considering the long-term environmental impact of your choices.